The Town House launches a series of video tutorials to facilitate the use of the Electronic Office
Delegación de residentes extranjeros

The Town House launches a series of video tutorials to facilitate the use of the Electronic Office

The councilman of New Technologies, Sergio Torralvo, presented on Monday the launch of a series of video tutorials by the Town House to serve as a tool to help citizens in the management of electronic administration (Sede Electrónica).

Click here to access the video tutoriales.

'After the launch of the electronic headquarters on the website of the Town House of Benalmádena, through which citizens can relate in a more agile and direct way with the local administration, in the section of New Technologies we have received from the citizens a series of recurring doubts and queries about the operation of the electronic headquarters,' began the councilman.

'In this way we have detected which were the most common doubts, and therefore decided to develop this series of video tutorials so that residents can get the most out of the operation of the electronic office,' added Torralvo.

'In total, seven tutorial videos have been produced, with the following subjects:

  1. Presentation of the electronic headquarters

  2. Means of identification and signature

  3. Electronic registration

  4. Contact details

  5. Data and procedures of census

  6. Consultation of applications and files in progress

  7. Consultation, acceptance and rejection of notifications',

has detailed the councilman of New Technologies.

'This is a first stage of video tutorials: we are already working on a second batch that will include videos on more specific subjects, such as tax management, requests for payment letters or queries on fines and penalties,' said Torralvo.

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