VII International Festival of Christmas Traditions 2015
Delegación de residentes extranjeros

VII International Festival of Christmas Traditions 2015


The Seventh edition of the International Festival Christmas Traditions will be held this coming Dec. 12, 2015 in Plaza de la Mezquita, Benalmadena at 11:00 am - 20:00 pm. In this edition we will have representatives of 23 countries namely: Spain, ...

Trip to the Coast of Cadiz
Delegación de residentes extranjeros

Trip to the Coast of Cadiz


The Foreign Residents Department organised another trip within the off the beaten track cycle, which aims to bring foreigners closer to the lesser known areas and customs of Andalucía. This time 56 local residents, including Spaniards, Germans, ...

Trip to the Coast of Cadiz, September 25 - 27
Delegación de residentes extranjeros

Trip to the Coast of Cadiz, September 25 - 27


The Foreign Residents Department organize a trip to the Coast of Cadiz Day 1 : 25/09/2015 : Departure – Cádiz – Costa Ballena Pick up at about 9:00 am. (places to be confirmed), arrival to Cadiz, panoramic tour, free time. In the afternoon we ...

Expats travel to Carratraca
Delegación de residentes extranjeros

Expats travel to Carratraca


More than 50 foreign residents participated in the trip to Carratraca organised by the town council as part of the ‘Off the beaten track’ campaign. The trip was launched by the Foreign Residents Department and was aimed at allowing all ...

New multilingual tourist website of Benalmadena
Delegación de residentes extranjeros

New multilingual tourist website of Benalmadena


BENALMADENA has launched a new website in six languages, including Chinese and Russian, for tourists. Mayor Paloma Garcia Galvez presented the new site, www.disfrutabenal, created by the council’s Tourism and New ...

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