Benalmádena Diary


Diary in English
Agenda en Español


Location : Casa de la Cultura


November 29 | From 4:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Honey Arroyo Culture House

Address: Plaza Austria s/n

Prior registration required:

The collage technique is a discipline that allows immediate access to the creative process to any interested person, regardless of their previous training. Used for centuries, collage makes it possible to explore the graphic universe, offering, even to the inexperienced student, an infinite range of options to investigate composition, color, shape, texture and even volume.

In recent years, despite technological advances, manual collage has made a strong resurgence; not only as an immediate technique for final production, but also as a prior tool to develop work in the context of other disciplines, or to exercise the creative unconscious. Its immediacy, its countless possibilities to explore and the simplicity of its traditional materials make collage an ideal medium for anyone who wants to immerse themselves in artistic processes and awaken the imagination.

At a historical moment in which globalization and mass production threaten to erase the characteristic personality of the native, it is necessary to promote initiatives that energize and provide visibility to the cultural wealth of our people. It is today, more than ever, when we must support with actions the idea that local is universal.

Through a technique as accessible as collage, this workshop invites residents of Malaga towns to get out of their routines and enter a creative and therapeutic space. A space where you can learn artistic resources, have fun exercising your inventiveness and interact with your neighbors in a different environment. In the proposed activities, the central theme will be based on the identity features of the town itself (its history, inhabitants, traditions, legends and folklore), aimed not only at the creation of a physical image of local inspiration, but also at promoting a environment where you can share stories and reflections about the place and its people.

Workshop objectives

Provide the inhabitants of the towns of Malaga with a refreshing and unusual activity in their usual routines.
Introduce them to the creative process, through the technique of
Guide them with the necessary tools until the production of one or more physical works
Open a space for communication where they can share the ideas, feelings and reflections that each student has about different aspects of their life.
Create a virtual gallery on social networks with a sample of the works produced, presenting the creators and their people, thus giving them visibility outside the limits of their environment. (There is also the possibility of printing a limited series of physical postcards, with the reproduction of the students' work, to offer as a souvenir of the town in local tourist offices and/or similar locations).

Format and program

3-hour workshop The program begins with a brief presentation of the training artists, and an introduction to the collage technique and the materials that will be used in the workshop. Next, the practical block is proposed, based on an emblematic feature of the town as the central theme of the exercise, which the trainers propose to the students. Students are guided and supported to develop an original physical work through collage, which they will finally be able to take home, and which will be displayed in the virtual gallery on the project's social networks.


Students will receive the necessary material to carry out the exercises in the workshop. Said material will be acquired in the town itself as far as possible, with the intention of supporting local commerce. Each student's kit will consist of the following basic materials:

Scissors and scalpel cutter
cutting mat
Pencil, eraser and sharpener
Glue stick and double-sided tape
Multitasking paper (to be used as a support for works)
Selection of papers and cutouts of recycled images from magazines and books, decorative paper, cardboard and other elements that can be used in a collage

Optional: students can add their own graphic material brought from home (magazines, papers, etc.) to the workshop kit.