Expats discover the city of Malaga
Delegación de residentes extranjeros

Expats discover the city of Malaga

For the first time, expatriates have been
included in a trip 100 Benalmadena
residents made to the Malaga provincial
council offices. The trip, organised by the council's
foreign residents and citizens
departments, aims to offer benalmadena
residents a chance to see what goes on at
the offices and also includes visits to the
main museums and attractions in
Malaga city.
The group left Arroyo de la Miel at
8.45am and headed for the Centro Civico
for a welcome breakfast before visiting
the historical centre of the city.
Foreign residents' councillor Adolfo
Fernandez explained that it was the first
time expatriates had been included on
the trip and many had expressed their
enthusiasm at the chance to spend a day
with their neighbours and discover the

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