Saint Patrick’s Day in Benalmadena
Delegación de residentes extranjeros

Saint Patrick’s Day in Benalmadena

The mayor of Benalmadena, Victor Navas, accompanied by the councillor for foreign resident, Ana Scherman, the deputy mayor, Javier Marín and the councillor for commerce, Bernardo Jumenez, participated in Saint Patrick’s celebration organized by the Irish Association of Spain with the collaboration of the Foreign Residents Department of Benalmadena.

After 20 years celebrating St. Patrick’s in our municipality this popular festival forms part of our municipal cultural calendar, said the mayor of Benalmadena.

The festival started at 12.00 o’clock with a mass at the Immaculate Conception church in Arroyo, there was a street parade afterwards and party at the feria ground from 1.00 pm until 6.00 pm.

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