Happy Birthday Ivy Rhodes
Delegación de residentes extranjeros

Happy Birthday Ivy Rhodes

The mayor, Victor Navas, didn’t want to miss the opportunity to wish a happy birthday to Ivy Rodhes, who is 100 years old today.
Ivy Rhodes was born on the 11th February 1921 in Dudley Worcs. When she left school she went to work for the quite famous Newey Bros. Haberdashery makers in their box making room.
When WWII broke out, because she had a secretarial education she was transferred to their munitions factory as a Progress Clerk and stayed until the end of the war. She returned to the box room and became the head, she was now 26 years old.
She moved to London in 1947 where she worked for Columbia Pictures for 11 years. This is where her love for the theatre came from and on occasions would attend the two sessions a day, her most very favourite actor was the great Ivor Novello, a photo of whom she still has in her apartment, to this day she attends every musical at Salon Varieties in Fuengirola.
She toured many many countries with her friends, she loved island hoping, she also loved southern Spain at 60 years of age she bought her apartment in Benalmadena, where she eventually lived permanently. She joined many clubs, the Merry Go Round (Monday) Social Club (Tuesdays) Eagles Club (Thursdays) and now Age Care, determined to make friends.
Ivy is a much loved and recognised figure in and around Arroyo, always available if anyone needs her help, she loves to eat out which she does most days at Domandas, and loves to dine out in the evenings, followed by a little tipple in her nearest bar Rincon Mary.
In the absence of Covid her intention was to throw a large party 100 persons plus, to have a ‘knees up’ and say thank you to all her friends for their kindness and friendship over the years.
We do hope Ivy will be able to make a big celebration once the pandemic is over.

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