Beautiful flower carpets for Corpus Christi
Delegación de residentes extranjeros

Beautiful flower carpets for Corpus Christi

This Sunday, June 19, we will celebrate the feast of the CORPUS CHRISTI in Benalmadena.

Enjoy walking through the Calle Real in Benalmádena Pueblo and let yourself be amazed by the beautiful carpets of flowers on display.

We recommend to contemplate the carpets in the morning, before the procession passes.

Departures are:

Benalmádena Pueblo at 12 noon from Iglesia de Santo Domingo de Guzmán.
Benalmádena Costa at 1 p.m. from Parroquia Virgen del Carmen.
Arroyo de la Miel at 8 p.m. from Parroquia Inmaculada Concepción.

Masses will be given one hour before the departure of each procession.


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