At the end of the day.
Carlos Perez Siquier
From July 8 to September 18
Prepared by the Andalusian Centre of Photography and organized by the Benalmadena Exhibition Centre. The exhibition displays a long history of the work of Carlos Perez Siquier, considered to be one of the pioneers of photographic art in Spain. He received The National Award for Photography in 2003.
Covering fifty years and displaying fifty images which show every corner of the Parque Natural Cabo de Gata-Nijar in a single exhibition. These photographs enable you to appreciate the three visions of the artist: figurative, abstract and magical realism. Showing dilapidated architectures, pictorial textures, animals, geological formations and especially the sea and light.
In addition to photographs, there are displayed seventy-nine poems, mostly unpublished, made for the occasion, which include the leading poets of Spanish poetry, among them Rafael Alberti, Gerardo Diego, Jose Angel Valente y Villaespesa.
Delegación de residentes extranjeros